Below we have answers to your common questions.

Refund & Exchange Policy

With this guarantee, you are eligible for a refund within 30 days of receiving your skin(s) if you did not peel the skin(s) and/or applied it on your device(s)—if your skin(s) arrived damaged and/or missing parts, you’ll get refunded/replaced with a new Skin. After 30 days of receiving your order, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. If you have any questions/concerns about your order and would like a refund, please, contact us at info@proskinz.us

Once we receive your return, we’ll inspect it and email you to let you know that we have your returned skin(s). After that, we’ll notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

If you’re approved for a refund, we’ll process it and refund you to the original payment method. Please note that your refund may take up to 14 days to show up on your credit card statement. If you didn’t receive your refund within 14 days, please re-check your credit card statment and contact your credit card issuer—if you’ve done all of this and you did not receive your refund, just let us know, and we’ll help you out. For any questions, you can send us an email at info@proskinz.us

You can send it to:


PO BOX 61512

1 League

Irvine, CA 92602

Ordered the wrong size, or would like to exchange your skin(s) for a different design? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! If the skin(s) have not been peeled off the backing paper, you’ll be able to exchange your skin(s) within the first 30 days of receiving your order. If you did not like the design or want to change it, you can email us at info@proskinz.us with your order number and let us know if you’d like to change the design or order the correct size for your device. Please note that you’re responsible for the shipping costs. If You have any questions? Please, don’t hesitate to shoot us an email. 


We aim to ensure that you receive your order as quickly as possible! Once your order is successfully submitted, we process it within 1-2 business days—it is then designed, packed, and dispatched. After that, you’ll receive an email notification containing your tracking number information, along with an estimated delivery date from one of the carriers you choose in checkout. Please note that while we always strive to have our orders delivered on time, we acknowledge that the unforeseeable is inevitable.

Yes, it’s free for all orders above $25 in the U.S. 

As of now, we do not ship outside the U.S. However, you can contact us at info@proskinz.us to place an order outside of the U.S.

If you have not received your order even though the carrier said you received it, don’t panic! Instead, contact us at info@proskinz.us, and we will look into it immediately, and it’ll be solved.  

We apologize that we sent the wrong size/skin to you. Please, contact us immediately at info@proskinz.us, and we will do everything possible to correct our mistakes as soon as possible. 

We are sorry your skin(s) came dammaged! We understand how this could be frustrating, but don’t worry—we can send you a new skin or send you the wrinkled part of your skin. BUT PLEASE, try applying it before contacting us because our 3M material technology is designed to flex when applied on any surface with some heat. With that being said, we recommend you apply heat on the skin while it's on the 3M paper, and then apply it on your device. After that, apply heat again, and you should be good to go! If you followed the instructions and your skin is still bent, you can send us an email at info@proskinz.us, and we’ll send you a new one.


Simply, go to "How to Apply?" and select your device to see the tutorials on how to install our Skins. Keep in mind that all of our skins are perfectly cut for your device, which means they will be very easy to install.

You’ll have to have a hair dryer or heat gun (for most skins). You will also have to be patient, focused, and follow the steps in our installation videos.

If your device has curved corners, you will need a hair dryer or heat gun to soften the vinyl (skin) and activate the glue, so it helps you to achieve a perfect installation even on curved corners.

Note: Do not apply excessive heat, as this can cause damage to both your device and the skin.

Yes, if half of the skin was on your device and the rest on the backing paper, you can gently remove it from your device—then put it back on the backing paper and apply it again. However, if you have creased the skin on your device, you would have to apply some heat on it, then stretch it slowly and re-apply. If both solutions did not work out with you, don’t worry! Please, send us an email including a picture of the messed-up skin on your device at info@proskinz.us, and we will take care of it.